Is College Worth It?

The stats question Is College Worth It? They do teach some really good stuff. But they are not teaching what you need to succeed. Yet, rich parents are still sending their 18 yr olds to a very expensive University. They rack up a small fortune in past tuitions, books, school only items, and the list goes on. Just think about how those who get students loans with interest. It’s not gonna be a pleasant thing to pay for.

Going to college now is proving to be a waste of time, money, energy, and putting young adults in a serious financial hole to start their lives. Are you serious? The tuition and books are going up, staying at the dorm is going up, food is going up, and the I.Q.’s are going down. If a real world business was run the same way as colleges and universities are being run … they would be sued for whatever it is that they are supposed to be doing, and failing miserably at it!

What do You Think About it?

Did you know that 45% of students did not really learn anything after 2 yrs … and almost 40% didn’t learn anything over 4 yrs! Really!!!

No, they are not. Not one little bit.

Many students studied less than 5 hrs per week … 2.67 hrs a week is how little they studied. They spend twice as much time at shopping, eating, and especially partying.

Did you know they can’t even do simple Cognitive Tasks, like keeping up with cost of groceries when purchasing at the grocery store. How are grades going up, yet no one is failing? There is a constant increase in Adult Illiteracy. Did you know that College Grads (4 yrs) test less than High School Students in several countries? This is a big joke. We are getting dumber by going to school!

And these institutions are getting $$ Billions in Tax Payer money for making our young adults … even more stupid? This has got to stop.  

What are we going to do about this? Not really us, but YOU! You have to do something, you can’t just be a Lemming and just do what everyone else does. You have to stop with the partying and get some real life skills that will earn you real money, that’s what you do!

Come work with us. We will train you 1 on 1. Teach you a real life skill using a computer. Help guide you all the way. You want to know the great part? You can get started for as little as $97 and you can start earning money in as little as a month. Keep learning and start using those skills more and more … soon will be making some decent money, and it won’t take long to be earning some serious money.

And the really, really good part? Is that this money will always be there, even when you retire, your personal Blogging Site will always be making the money for you. And it should always be increasing at the same time as well.

Can a University or College make that kind of promise to you? No. We Can. With a good work ethic, there are no boundaries. Come and join us now, this is the greatest offer you will ever get in your lifetime.


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